Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Riverlark Music takes pride in the quality of its artists, repertoire, recordings – both physical and downloads, packaging and customer service. We want our customers to be 100% satisfied. To that end, we offer replacement, exchange, or refund on any cd, lp, or cassette or other Riverlark catalog product, to any dissatisfied customer who has purchased directly from Riverlark Music.

All we ask is an explanation as to the nature of your dissatisfaction. If you think that a cd is defective, we ask that you play it on more than one type of player, such as a car player, a pc, a laptop, a boombox and that you describe what part of the music is defective, i.e what song or track number, and preferably what time during the song. We ask for this information, so we can determine if this is a problem on all our cds of a particular title, or a rare manufacturing fluke on a few of the cd pressings.